Complete one action, then start another

Grammar Explanation

When you want to say “After I did something, then I did something else”, simply add “完 wán” to the verb in the first clause and then insert “就 jiù” at the beginning of the second clause. In this sentence pattern, “了 le” indicates that the action has been completed.

Indicating action that has already happened:

S V O, V
xiǎomínɡ chī wán fàn, jiù qù pǎobù le.
小明 饭, 去 跑步 了。

After eating, Xiao Ming went jogging.

kàn wán diànshì, jiù shuìjiào le.
电视, 睡觉 了。

After watching TV, she went to sleep.

If there is a subject stated in the second clause, “就” should be put after the subject.

V O, S V
xià wán yǔ, tāmen jiù chūqù le.
雨, 他们 出去 了。

After it rained, they went out.

wán lánqiú, wǒmen jiù qù xǐzǎo le.
篮球, 我们 去 洗澡 了。

After playing basketball, we took a shower.

Indicating action that will happen in the future:

S V O, V
shànɡ wán kè, jiù yào huíjiā le.
课, 回家 了。

After taking the class, she will go home.

wǒmen kàn wán NBA, jiù yào huíɡuó le.
我们 NBA, 回国 了。

After watching NBA, we will return to our country.

Indicating a habitual action:

To express that the action is habitual and doesn’t refer to the tense, simply remove “了” in the above sentences.


tā kàn wán diànshì, jiù shuìjiào.


Whenever she finishes watching TV, she would go to bed.

xiǎo mínɡ chī wán fàn, jiù qù pǎobù.


Xiao Ming (always) goes running after eating meals.



Complete one action then start another

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Put “完” in the Correct Place

     A      hē      B      jiǔ jiù shuìjiào      C      le.

     A      喝      B      酒就睡觉      C      了。

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bàbɑ měitiān chī      A      zǎofàn      B      jiù      C      qù shànɡbān.

爸爸每天吃      A      早饭      B      就      C      去上班。

3 / 8

tā jié      A      hūn jiù      B      ɡōnɡzuò      C      le.

他结      A      婚就      B      工作      C      了。

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lǐméi      A      pǎo      B      bù jiù qù xǐ      C      zǎo le.

李梅      A      跑      B      步就去洗      C      澡了。

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True or False

tā lǐnɡ wán ɡōnɡzī cái qù ɡòuwù le.


6 / 8

wǒmen kàn wán diànyǐnɡ jiù yào huíjiā le.


7 / 8

xiǎozhānɡ měicì chī wán fàn jiù shuāyá.


8 / 8

nǐ xiě zuòyè wán jiù kěyǐ wán yóuxì le.


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