来 and 去 Suffixed to Verbs of Motion

Grammar Explanation

In Chinese, “来” and “去” can express both motion (come/go) and direction (here/there).

  • 来 = to come (here), motion towards to the speaker
  • 去 = to go (there), motion away from the speaker
  • S V

    You come (here).


    I go (there).

    “来” and “去” can also be used as suffixes themselves to 6 special verbs of motion, but still retaining the meaning of motion and direction in relation to the speaker. These 6 special verbs of motion are 上, 下, 出,进, 回, 过.

    上来 shànɡ lái to come up (here)

    下来 xià lái to come down (here)

    出来 chū lái to come out (here)

    进来 jìn lái to come in (here)

    回来 huí lái to come back (here)

    过来 ɡuò lái to come over (here)

    上去 shànɡ qù to go up (there)

    下去 xià qù to go down (there)

    出去 chū qù to go out (there)

    进去 jìn qù to go in (there)

    回去 huí qù to go back (there)

    过去 ɡuò qù to go over (there)

    S V 来/去
    jìn lái!

    You come in!

    tāde zhànɡfu méi huí lái.
    她的 丈夫 没 回 来。

    Her husband hasn’t come back.

    shuí chū qù le?
    去 了?

    Who went out?



    来 and 去

    1 / 10

    Choose the Best Answer

    wǒ yào huàn yīfu, qǐnɡnǐ __________ yíxià.

    我要换衣服,请你 __________ 一下。

    2 / 10

    shíjiān hěn wǎn le, tāde zhànɡfu hái méi __________.

    时间很晚了,她的丈夫还没 __________。

    3 / 10

    tā dǎsuàn bǎ zìjǐ de fánɡzi zū __________.

    她打算把自己的房子租 __________。

    4 / 10

    nà biān wēixiǎn, búyào __________.

    那边危险,不要 __________。

    5 / 10

    nǐ kěyǐ bǎ xiānɡzi fànɡ __________.

    你可以把箱子放 __________。

    6 / 10

    búyào __________, fǒuzé wǒ jiù bàojǐnɡ le!

    不要 __________,否则我就报警了!

    7 / 10

    Rearrange the Following Words

    ① 来 lái, ② 不要 bú yào, ③ 进 jìn, ④ 你 nǐ

    8 / 10

    ① 过 ɡuò, ② 我 wǒ, ③ 去 qù, ④ 马上 mǎ shànɡ

    9 / 10

    ① 怎么 zěn me, ② 你 nǐ, ③ 出来 chū lái, ④ 还没 hái méi

    10 / 10

    ① 我们 wǒ men, ② 出去 chū qu, ③ 再 zài, ④ 吧 bɑ, ⑤ 雨停了 yǔ tínɡ le

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