Days and Dates in Chinese

Days of the Week

星期一 xīnɡqī yī Monday
星期二 xīnɡqī èr Tuesday
星期三 xīnɡqī sān Wednesday
星期四 xīnɡqī sì Thursday
星期五 xīnɡqī wǔ Friday
星期六 xīnɡqī liù Saturday

Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week. But instead of saying “星期七(week seven)”, we say:

星期天 xīnɡqī tiān Sunday


星期日 xīnɡqī rì Sunday

Asking the Day

jīntiān shì xīnɡqī jǐ?


What day is it today?

To answer the question, the sentence follows this pattern:

jīntiān shì …

今天 是 …

Today it’s …

  • In spoken Chinese, “星期” is often replaced by “礼拜 (lǐ bài)”, which also has the meaning of “week”.
  • Months of the Year

    一月 yī yuè January
    二月 èr yuè February
    三月 sān yuè March
    四月 sì yuè April
    五月 wǔ yuè May
    六月 liù yuè June
    七月 qī yuè July
    八月 bā yuè August
    九月 jiǔ yuè September
    十月 shí yuè October
    十一月 shíyī yuè November
    十二月 shíèr yuè December

    Date Unit

    nián year
    yuè month
    hào day

    Asking the Date

    jīntiān shì jǐ yuè jǐ hào?



    jīntiān shì duō shǎo hào?


    To answer the question, the sentence follows this pattern:

    jīntiān shì …

    今天是 (…年…月…号)。

    Date Practice

    yī jiǔ jiǔ jiǔ nián bā yuè yī rì


    Aug. 1, 1999

    èr líng yī wǔ nián èr yuè shí sì rì


    Feb. 14, 2015

  • In Chinese, you tell dates from big unit to small unit, thus the order year-month-day.
  • In Chinese, 日()and 号(hào)have the same meaning, but 号 is more often used in spoken Chinese.
  • About “year”, you read the numbers on each digit separately instead of reading them as a whole. E.g. 2015
  • Days and Dates in Chinese
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